Friday, 30 March 2012

3 feet Marine Tank updated at 30 Mar 2012


Add the the Chromis and my butterflies fishes from the 2 ft tank to the tank, the nitrite spikes up to between 0 to  0.25ppm for the last few days. However, the ammonia remains at 0 ppm.

It is common, when you start to add fishes to your newly completed fishless cycled tank, it will increase either the ammonia level or the nitrite level or both due to increase in bio-load to the tank. Fishless cycle will grow certain amount of beneficial bacteria (BB) as the BB needs constant supply of ammonia to survive. The more ammonia in the tank, the more the BB will grow provided there are enough filter media in the tank.

Present tank:

Work hard to bring down the nitrite level, it is quite difficult. I am dosing Microbe-Lift Nite-out II to see whether this product helps to bring down the nitrite level.

Unitl now, fishes look alright. Will continue to monitor the nitrite level everyday. I am thinking of adding Microbe-Lift Special Blend if the nitrite level still maintains at 0.25 ppm.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Cycling my new 3ft by 2 ft by 2ft marine tank - Seeded by Ocean Free A-Z Super Beneficial Bacteria

Last month, I brought a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft cabinet tank with sump from a fellow reefer.

Until now, it has cycled for almost three weeks with live rocks and bio-home filter media.

I seeded the cycle with Ocean free A-Z Super Beneficial Bacteria and added a piece of market pawn into the sump.

To further assist the cycling process, I added the used filter wood from my present 2 ft tank. The used filter wool contains a lot of beneficial bacteria, it can greatly reduce the cycle period. The only worry is to make sure the old tank which the wool comes from is free of ich.

Yesterday, I checked ammonia and nitrite are all zero. It means the tank are fully cycled. Will be adding some Chromis this weekend to test the water and do a small water change. I like to use Chromis to be first fishes to add to the new tank because they are hardy fish and it is very easy to see if the water condition has any problem from the Chromis. Just look at their breathing and the color of the fish, you will know the condition of the water.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Popeye Treatment - Hypodermic Needle Method

Popeye Treatment - Hypodermic Needle Method
A diabetic syringe is used to pierce the skin around the eye of a blue-stripe clownfish and then the plunger is pulled to remove the gas.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

T95 Location - Supreme Aquarium - Updated

Today 8 Mar 2012, lunch time, finally found T95 loacation. It is the last building, just walk all the way in from the slope. The building photo below:

My impression is their fishes are very stable, however the fishes are normal marines fishes. They are open in weekdays and weekends and close at 5pm.

Pictures are countesy of Google maps

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Pico Tank updated as at 5 Mar 2012

@ 5 Mar 2012

Cost of the Pico Tank Setup:
a) 1x common clownfish - $1
b) 1x Pink skunk clownfish - $5
c) 3x green Chromis - $3
d) 1x yellowtail damsel - $2
e) 1x Banggai Cardinalfish - $5
f) 1x bluelips angel - $20
g) 1x Singapore angel - $8
h) 1x Green Mandrain - $10
i) 1x flame angel - $50

a) 1x cleaner shrimp - $8
b) 2x tube worm - $6
c) 2x snails - $8
d) 1x soft coral - $5

LS = $131

1. 1 x 1 ft cube Ocean Free Tank - $20
2. 1 x Gex Hang on filter (large) - $25
3. 1 x ADA nano internal filter (~200l/hr) - $8
4. 1 x Boyu nano Skimmer (WG308) - $20
5. 2 x Aqua Zonic (Super Slim LED Clamping Lamp, black - 32 white + 8 blue Bulb) - $45
6. 3 kg of black sand - $25
7. 1 x 1ft plastic partition + holder- $10
8. 2 x  live rocks - $10
9. 2 bags of bio-home filter. - $20
10. 1 x Resun Waver 2000 - $25 
11. 1x 9W UV light - $20
12. 1x Cooling fan - $20
13. Top cover - $10

Equipment = $258

Total cost: $389 in Sing Dollars

This is an estimate costs, it does not included marine salts mix and the live stocks that do not make it.......
So be prepared for more money if you are going to keep marine fishes.

Friday, 2 March 2012

T95 Location - Supreme Aquarium

Yesterday (1 Mar 12) after work, went to find where is T95 (Supreme Aquarium). Went to Seaview (indicated by A in the google map)  to buy some fish foods. After that, topo the T95 from there.

Finally found T95 but it is quite late about 7.05pm. The outside the main gate, there is a sign wrtten "Marine fish" and "T95" words on the sign. So decided to walk up the slope to find which building is T95.  There is three buildings in the site.  Was greeted by two big and angry dogs, therefore, decided to end the adverature before any incidents. So do not know which buidlings is T95 and are T95 still operating? Would find out some other days.

Supreme Aquarium (T95)
Lot T95, Seletar West Farmway 1.

Pictures are countesy of Google maps