Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Marine Fish White Poop / Internal bacterial - Part 1/2

It is a common disease in marine fish as the fishes are caught from the wild. About 30% of the fishes have some kind of intestinal infection.  You will see the fish is not eating at all, and there is white stringy poo. If not treated, the fish will slowly die. It will sometimes pass the disease to other fish in the tank.

Sometimes, you may see the fish is eating well, but do not means it does not have the internal disease. You still need to clear the intestine so that there is no problem in the future. If you are long enough in the hobby, you will realised that sometimes the fish is eating very well for weeks or months, suddenly stop eating and die. Part of the problem is the intestinal inflection becomes worst and causes the fish to stop eating. This is common in dwarf angels and large angels.

There is 3 basic causes of the internal problem, but I will not go in-depth to it technially. Just want to talk about the solutions.

1) Fish not eating:
Put the fish into QT and dose Praziquental
Chances of survial is very slim because the fish is not eating and it is difficult for the fish to absorb the medicine. So in the first place you should choose the fish from the LFS properly.

2) Fish eating (does not means no internal diseases): - Clear the internal disease. Sometimes, after a few weeks, the fish just stops eating and die, that is the reason you need to clear the internal disease with medicine and it is easier because you can feed the medicine to the fish as tit can be dosed in the fish foods.
Use Metronizazole.

Next part, I discuss my method of curing this internal bacterial disease and the medicine used, of course feeding one. Frankly speaking I also have very slim chance for curing the non-feeding one.

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