Monday, 19 September 2011

My Marine Fish tank as at 10 Sept 11

Top Tank

While looking for an additional tank at the begining of the Sept, I added a Purple Tang and Tomini Tang after quarantine.  Wow, the purple tang started to eat pellets on first day... Always like to add Achilles Tangs and Atlantic Blue tang, guess  will have to KIV until I have cycled a new tank.

One unfortunate thing happens, I lost two Green Chromis due to fall into the overflow, I could not take them out sadly.... Now take all the precautions to prevent any re-occurrence again.

Chromis is one of the most hardy fish. Three Chromis out of 4 are from my first batch of fishes that added in the tank. If you want to start the marine aquarium, always start with Chromis first not clown fish or demsel fish, this is because Chromis are not aggressive at all, in fact they are very very peaceful fish. And  it is very easy for you to add any type of fish you want in the future.

Bottom Tank

It remains the same as at 27 Aug 11, all are doing very well. I am thinking of adding a clown triggerfish (last fish to add)... until now, I have not find a suitable size clown triggerfish, will take my time to search.

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