Monday, 26 September 2011

Popeye Part 1

Popeye is a disease that cause one or both the eyes to appear like there is a air trapped inside or behind the eyes which causes the eye to enlarge and bulge out. It is most likely to be caused by bacteria.

There is two classifications of bacteria:
a) gram-positive
b) gram-negative

What is the difference between gram-positive and gram-negative?
Using a particular staining process, the bacteria retained (positive) or lost (negative) a violet color (stains) during this process.

It is found that most bacteria that cause disease in marine fish are gram-negative. Popeye is most likely caused by the gram-negative bacteria. Unlike ich, popeye normally does not kill fish in a couple of days, especially larger ones. Unless, it is coupled with some other viral, it may die in a couple of days. Furthermore, popeye in itself is typically not contagious to other fishes in the community.

This is what I find :
1. Fish starts to hide in some place so that to prevent bully by other fishes
2. It starts to loss appetite
3. Of cause, the pop eye...
4. Not active anymore.....

To be continue.......

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